The core modules of edu-crm are based on the student profiles. Depending on the status of the student, attributes will be added to the profile, which are related to admissions, marketing, academics, operations and alumni. You can also add demographic information to each student profile or information related to the internship placement activities.
Set multiple filters
edu-crm allows you to set multiple filters and to show filtered user groups based on status or attributes. You can also export your leads to excel files and edit them. You can jump from one profile to another and save filter settings to be the same, next time you log on.
Inform users
When users log on they reach a dashboard, which will feature messages that have been sent by the administrator. These messages can be archived by the user and settings can be saved for each user individually.


Sort order, Filters, Columns and Categories
edu-crm has a Settings-Panel, where users can define individual settings. Define filters or default sort orders, hide and show columns based on different criteria and also view attributes by category. All settings can be saved, so that the same view is automatically loaded, when you log on.
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